Academics » Car Line & Parking

Car Line & Parking

Campus Car Line Safety and Efficiency

Please review the following information about our car line procedures. Please note that the first two weeks will take some time for everyone to adjust to the car rider procedures. Expect delays and please be patient with us when we need to make adjustments to make it run more smoothly in the afternoon. To help with this, do not arrive early. This will cause the car line to back up onto Melissa Drive very quickly and block other traffic from passing through. Also, please refrain from blocking any entrances or crosswalks to any businesses or the Benton County Sheriff's Department. Arrive when your car rider time is scheduled to begin.

Car Line Video


Arrival Times

K-4 Drop-off Times

  • 7:15-7:40 AM

  • Students must be walked in beginning at  7:40 AM.

  • Students are tardy at 7:45 AM and must be signed-in in the main office. 

5-7 Drop off Times

  • 7:15-7:55 AM

  • Students must be walked in beginning at 7:55 AM.

  • Students are tardy at 8:00 AM and must be signed-in in the main office.

Dismissal Times

  • 2:45 PM* - Kindergarten & 1st Grade - Front Car line 

    • *Families may not arrive more than 20 minutes prior to dismissal time.

  • 2:45 PM* - 2nd Grade and Siblings - Back Car line 

    • *Families may not arrive more than 20 minutes prior to dismissal time.

  • 3:05 PM - 3rd & 4th Grade and Siblings - Back Car Line

  • 3:30 PM - 5th-8th Grade -  Front & Back Car line

All students should be picked up by 3:45 PM. Students not picked up by 3:45 PM will be escorted to the Spartan Afternoon Academy. Parents of students who are picked up late from the Spartan Afternoon Academy after three times will be required to meet with the Headmaster in accordance with the handbook policies.


Reaching Campus - Morning Drop Off

Families will need to come to campus from either 8th Street to Melissa Drive or I Street to Melissa Drive. 

  • Those coming from 8th Street to Melissa, will need to drop off in front car line

  • Those coming from I Street to Melissa, will need to drop off in back car line

Families when leaving campus must leave by turning right on Melissa Drive and then right on 8th Street.

Reaching Campus - Afternoon Pick Up

Front Carline (arrive by taking 8th Street to Melissa Drive)

  • ALL Kindergarten students 

  • 1st Grade student with older siblings in 3-7 grade 

  • Siblings of Kindergartners with older siblings 

    • Example: Kindergarten student only, First grade students only, Kindergarten students and older siblings, First grade students and older siblings

  • 6th grade & 7th grade students with no siblings


Back Carline (arrive by taking I Street to Melissa)

  • If you are picking up 2nd through 5th grade student(s) (UNLESS you have a Kindergarten Sibling), you will need to arrive by taking I Street to Melissa Drive.

    •  Example: 2nd-5th grade students only, 2nd grader with 1st grade sibling, 3rd grade students with older siblings. Morning Car Line



  • K-4 Main Building

    • 7:15-7:40 AM


Front Car Line - Arriving from 8th Street to Melissa Drive

  • Front car line (blue line) must enter the front parking lot from 8th Street and stay to the left.  

  • Cars should form 2 lines at the post with the 2 arrows.

  • Students will be released from cars when they are in the unloading zone (YELLOW cone areas) and the stop sign has been turned to the STOP position.

  • Students then walk into the designated entrances.


Back Car Line - Arriving from I Street to Melissa Drive                           

  • Back car line (green line) must enter using the entrance behind the 5/6 building.

  • Maintain a single file line until you turn left at the end of the building.

  • There will be cones to split the car line into a left lane and right lane.

  • The left lane will turn into the parking lot to unload in front of our Padded Gym entrance.

  • The right lane will continue in a single file line along the white line behind the K-4 building.

  • Students will be released from cars when they are in the unloading zone (YELLOW cone area) and the stop sign has been turned to the STOP position.

  • Students then walk into the designated entrances.

  • Those exiting will remain on the Left side and must exit left on Melissa to go to I Street


Morning Car Line Procedures

  • Parents must remain in their cars.

  • Students should be able to unbuckle seat belts and open doors when given the go ahead to unload by teachers/staff (Traffic sign turned to STOP)

  • Students should exit the car and walk to designated doors for building entry.

  • Do not proceed forward until the traffic guide turns the traffic sign to SLOW.


Please Note: If your vehicle is not in the car loading zones (between the YELLOW posts) by 7:40 AM, you will need to park your vehicle and escort your student(s) in. At 7:45 AM, all students must be checked in at the front office. Students are expected to be accompanied by an adult driver for safety reasons.


Afternoon Car Line



  • 2:45 PM - Kindergarten & 1st Grade - Front Car line

  • 2:45 PM -2nd Grade and Siblings - Back Car line

  • 3:05 PM - 3rd & 4th Grade and Siblings- Back Car line

  • 3:25 PM - 5th-7th Grade Front & Back Car line

The latest released child’s pick up time determines which pick up time you are in. For example, if you have a 5th grade student and 2nd grade student, pick up will be at 3:25 PM in the Back Car Line. If you have a 4th grade student and 1st grade student, pick up will be at 3:00 in the Front Car Line.


Students need to know their car tag number for Monday.  Make sure to practice!


Afternoon Car Line Procedures

  • Parents must remain in their cars.

  • When given the load up signal, students will proceed to their car to climb in.

  • Students should be able to load in the car on their own (this includes buckling once the door is shut). Practice before Monday!

DO NOT BLOCK Business Driveways on Melissa Dr.


Carpool Dismissal

We will have a 3:05 PM & 3:30 PM carpool release in the afternoons. Cars participating in this carpooling time will have a special tag for the carpool area. To participate in the 3:30 PM carpool release you must meet all of the following criteria:

-Picking up at least 4 students.

-At least 2 families must be represented in the carpool-use the carpool daily.

-All drivers will need to attend  a "Carpool Orientation" on Sunday Aug 20 at 3 pm and 3:30. Failure to attend "Carpool Orientation" will result in not being able to participate in the parked carpool areas. Families are encouraged to carpool in the front and back car lines even if not participating in the carpool parking dismissal. We only have certain amounts of spots available to participate. You will receive an email confirmation about participation.

Car Pool Sign Up


Instructions for Car Tags

Each K-6th grade family is provided with at least two copies of a car tag at the beginning of the school year. If you need more, please contact the front desk on how to acquire more tags at 479-715-6662. If you carpool, please give extra car tags to the people you authorize to pick up your children and make sure that their names and contact information are included as carpool contacts in our eSchool system. You may contact the front desk at 479-715-6662 to have additional authorized contacts for student pickup or send an email to the school registrar at [email protected].


An official 23-24 FCA Bentonville car tag is required to pick up a child. Only official 23-24 carpool tags may be used for pickup. Previous car tags, homemade car tags, pictures of car tags on cell phones, etc. will not be accepted. You will be required to exit the car line or car pool, park your vehicle, and then proceed inside at the main entrance to check out your student(s) from the front desk with proper form of identification. If you forget your car tag, you must park and go the front desk to verify that you are allowed to pick up your child with the proper form of identification. Your child(ren) will then be brought to you at the front office after verification. Student safety is our top priority and this policy will be strictly enforced.


  • Please display your family’s car tag on your rearview mirror when you arrive for afternoon pick up.

  • When you arrive in the afternoons, school staff will use our Curb Smart app to input the family numbers so we may announce the numbers for student dismissal. Please make sure your child(ren) know their number! This will help car rider run much more smoothly if we are not having to search for a child.

  • Car Tag Pick Up

    If you did not pick up your car tag at Meet the Teacher,  you will need to stop by Monday from 10-12.

    Extra Car Tags

    If you are needing additional car tags, you need to complete the Google form HERE.

    It is important for everyone to follow the directions so the car line can be the most efficient. Make sure to be patient and follow staff directions.


Late Pick Up

All students must be picked up by 3:45 PM. Students who are not picked up by this time will be taken to our Spartan Afternoon Academy. Students who are picked up late three or more times will be required to meet with the Headmaster. Fees may apply for chronic late pickups and will be assessed on the weekly rate of the Spartan Afternoon Academy. Please refer to the Spartan Afternoon Academy form for further information on weekly rates.


Instructions for Driving and Parking on Campus During School Hours

If you visit our campus during school hours, you must use the open parking spaces without cones in the parking lot and walk up to the front entrance for entry. Parking spaces with cones are reserved to be used for afternoon car rider loading zones. Do not park in these locations to help keep our car rider efficient and safe.


Any law or ordinance regulating traffic on a public highway or street also applies to the operation of a vehicle on  campus. Obey all traffic laws when driving on campus for the safety of all stakeholders.


Walker/Biker Passes
If you are having your child as a walker/bike rider you need to complete this form.  You will get an email confirmation once your pass has been given to your student so they can start walking/biking to school.
Walker/ Bike Rider Permission form