Our Campus » Classical Education

Classical Education

Classical schools take an approach to education characterized by a traditional liberal arts and sciences curriculum and pedagogy, and an orientation towards truth, beauty, and goodness that aims to cultivate wise and virtuous citizens. We seek to provide an excellent and distinctive classical education that pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society.
Classical education offers over 2,000 years of academic success. An education based on the teachings of the giants of philosophy—Aristotle, Plato, Socrates—provides the skills necessary to communicate and function in a global society. Using the Socratic method of learning, students will become lifelong learners and productive leaders. In order to develop a mastery of the English language, students learn Greek and Latin root words and eventually study formal Latin and other languages. Historical, literary, and artistic focus are on “the classics,” math and sciences are taught in a holistic manner, and the program of study engages students in “minds-on” learning and character building.

Mastery is necessary before advancement. Rigorous academic standards in all areas of instruction will be maintained. Students will demonstrate mastery in the core subjects before moving on to new levels. After mastery, students will be allowed to move forward in order to reach their fullest potential.
A knowledge-rich curriculum is necessary for future success. Elementary, middle, and high school students experience a knowledge-rich and integrated curriculum following a threefold path to learning that includes grammar, logic, and rhetoric. A strong foundation in the core subjects of English, History, Science, and Mathematics will prepare students for any and every college opportunity while also creating lifelong learners. Our motto: Respice, adspice, prospice. By studying the past and analyzing the present, students will be ready to contribute to the future.


Articles on Classical Education

"What's So Great about Teachers?" by Louise Cowan

Louise Cowan was a professor emeritus at the University of Dallas and a co-founder of the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture.


A Classical Education: Back to the Future by Stanley Fish

Stanley Fish is a professor of humanities and law at Florida International University.


The Benefits of a Classical Education by Tim O’Reilly

Tim O’Reilly is the founder and CEO of computer book publisher, O’Reilly Media Inc.


Silicon Valley Needs Humanities Students by Vivek Wadhwa

Vivek Wadhwa is a fellow at the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University.


Why I Teach Plato to Plumbers by Scott Samuelson

Scott Samuelson teaches philosophy at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


A Classical Education for Modern Times by Terrence Moore. Terence Moore is the principal of Ascent Classical Academy.


Classical Education: The Oldest Ideas for the Youngest Minds by Jason Caros. Jason Caros is headmaster at Founders Classical Academy.


Classical Education-The Best Preparation for STEM by Chris Perrin. Chris Perrin has been a classical school headmaster, he is an author, consultant and publisher with Classical Academic Press.


The Missing Link in Reading Comprehension and Academic Achievement by Jason Caros. Jason Caros is headmaster at Founders Classical Academy.

Book Recommendations

Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America, by Gene Edward Veith Jr. and Andrew Kern

Real Education: Four Simple Truths For Bringing America’s Schools Back to Reality, by Charles Murray

The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our Schools, by E.D. Hirsch

The Great Tradition: Classic Readings On What It Means To Be An Educated Human Being, edited by Richard Gamble

Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right From Wrong: And What Can We Do About It?, by William Kilpatrick

Arithmetic for Parents: A Book For Grownups About Children’s Mathematics, by Ron Aharoni